Friday, February 20, 2009

Things I’ve learned lately

Tis the season… Yep, tornado season is upon us, though a little early this year, but that’s not unprecedented. They are scary suckers, especially when you live in Moore, Oklahoma, where two F5s have hit since 1999.

And here’s some other stuff I’ve recently learned…

Our country’s wheeling-and-dealing leaders have negotiated a $789B bargain for us. (Oh wow, they shouldn’t have!)

My employer plans to utilize the L-word. You know, “layoffs.”

Postage is going up two cents in May.

Brett Favre is retiring. Again. (Should’ve stayed that way to begin with, dude.)

The U.S. Mint is changing the look of the penny in an effort to honor Abraham Lincoln in the year of what would have been his 200th birthday. Four new pennies will be released, one per 2009 calendar quarter, and on each of them, the “tails” side will represent a stage of the president’s life, from the Kentucky log cabin where he was born to his presidency. The first penny was released Thursday (USA Today).

Major League Baseball commissioner Bud Selig is “heartsick” over A-Rod’s admission of steroid use (MSN), and Rodriguez may be suspended for his 2001-2003 use (USA Today). (Really? When the penalty phase was not implemented until 2004? Not cool.)

U2 will be David Letterman’s musical guest the week of March 2-6 to promote their new album, which will be released that week. In fact they will be the musical guest every night that week (The AP)!

The two most annoying characters on TV are leaving “Grey’s Anatomy.” (Yes, Izzie and George are even more annoying than Tommy on “Brothers and Sisters,” and that’s saying a lot!)

Two people have been arrested in South Carolina, each on a charge of possession of marijuana, as authorities build a case against Michael Phelps (The AP, et al).

Pheonix, Ariz. is now the kidnapping capital of the United States (Yahoo). (Yikes!)

Nadya Suleman, mother of 14 children under the age of eight, doesn’t have a clue (personal opinion). Afterall, she doesn’t think food stamps are public assistance (Today Show).


Hope Cupid is nice to you this Valentine’s Day!

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