Friday, February 13, 2009

Angels among us

Do you have angels in your life? You know, people who touch your life in special ways. I hope you do. Angels are very special, and if you’re lucky, you’re blessed with more than a few throughout your life.

Of course, I’ve been familiar with the concept of angels, particularly spiritual ones, but it’s been within the last couple of years that I’ve recognized my earthly angels for what they are. And as I’ve looked back, I’ve seen that there were always angels in my past.

My angels are special to me. Among them I count the loving people who, years ago, completely cleaned my entire house while I was in the hospital for a few weeks; dear co-workers who donated their vacation days to me last winter so I could be at my ailing mother’s side; and sweethearts who honored me last year on my birthday and at Christmas with Snoopy trinkets and cards, like my parents always did.

Several angels were revealed to me during the process of adopting my daughter Samantha: the entire staff at Deaconess Pregnancy and Adoption Services (DPAS) and the wonderful people who completed referrals for us. I cannot thank these angels enough, and I am so grateful to them


Cal and Samantha and I had dinner with an angel Wednesday evening. Her name is Ashley, and she is beautiful and strong and brave and funny. She is also Samantha’s birthmother.

Now, when Cal and I started the adoption process we were all about a closed adoption, where there is no contact at all with the birthparents. But as we proceeded, we learned that in the current climate, the birthmother’s desires rule. So we opened our minds and turned it over to God, and before we knew it, we were warming up to the idea of an open adoption. 

And now? We wouldn’t have it any other way. Ashley is a tiny, adorable, cutie-pie with sparkly eyes and a great laugh. And she touched our lives in a profound way.

Ashley in a nutshell: She was a cheerleader in high school and is now in college. Ashley is also in the Army Reserves and within a couple of months of completing Boot Camp she found herself in Iraq, driving supply trucks, and “scared to death every day” for a year. She owes one more year of active duty, and is trying to decide whether to volunteer to go back to Iraq before her unit is called back (to get it over) or wait until they’re called (thus putting it off as long as possible). She was the first female member of her hometown’s VFW, and she plans to be a physical therapist.


We like that we have a relationship with Ashley. It’s pretty basic: Cal and I email her periodically, and she and I text each other occasionally, and once in a while, when she shows an interest (because we don’t want to pressure her), we get together with her, take her to dinner.

We hope this relationship continues. That Samantha is adopted will not be a secret from her, and I think that knowing Ashley will help her to be well adjusted. Some people think it’s weird, but I don’t think that it’s anything many people can truly understand without going through it. 

We do not know Sam’s birthfather, but he’s my angel, too. And we’re willing to meet him at any time. He and Ashley are in contact, and he often talks of meeting us, but it goes no further than that. And that’s ok. As with Ashley, we are willing to have whatever relationship he wants.

He and Ashley gave us the greatest gift: our family. They will always be in our thoughts and prayers, as well as in our hearts.

Speaking of angels…

Sunday marks the first anniversary of my mother’s death, and her birthday is Monday. She loved Samantha so very much. About a week after Mom died, Samantha started this thing where occasionally she’d suddenly look past me, over my shoulder and smile and laugh. Then as she grew, she’d wave and babble, too. And now she still does all that, plus speaks her baby language. I wonder if it’s my mom there, Samantha’s angel, checking in on our girl.

I miss her.

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