Friday, August 22, 2008


Regardless of your political affiliations, these are exciting times. History will be made on November fourth, when either the first female vice president or the first African American president will be elected. How cool is that?

I know how I will vote and have for a long time, but now that the Final Four are known, my enthusiasm has been bolstered. I think the next two-ish months will be long, what with negative ads, loud-mouthed pundits, mud-slinging and a biased media, but of this I am certain: It will not be dull.

Are you registered to vote? If not, I urge you to do so. It’s important.

If you are registered to vote, I’d like to convey something to you. If you don’t vote, you really don’t get to gripe about the outcome. Period. Yes, you have freedom of speech, but good luck finding someone to listen. 


Speaking (or, writing) of… Where the heck is Hillary Clinton these days? It’s as though she’s dropped off the face of the earth.

I’m sure she’s crushed that she’s not one of the Final Four, especially since John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate. You just know she thought she would be somewhere on the November ballot (and honestly, I think Barack Obama made a mistake).

A Clinton-conspiracy theorist friend of mine swears that the senator is in a dark room somewhere under heavy sedation.

As Richard Fish would say, “Bygones!”


What would you do if your sweet little girl wanted a pair of “High School Musical” panties? Pretty harmless, huh?

What if your precious tween’s HSM undies had writing on them? I’d probably think “tacky,” but some might think that I’m a stick in the mud.

But if the wording on them were “Dive in” -- I would hit the roof!

Yes, Disney pulled their crude HSM “Dive in” panties from store shelves, but what possessed them in the first place? Did Disney have to get rid of their decency to make room for even more piles of cash?

How disgusting.


So, the Oklahoma City NBA team name was revealed Wednesday: Thunder.

I’m still not crazy about the name, but it is growing on me. I’m not sure why it was chosen, or even in the running, unless it was because of the unbelievable noise the fans made when the New Orleans Hornets relocated to OKC following Hurricane Katrina. The deafening noise made the Ford Center the loudest NBA venue of the season, and it was something to be experienced. Much like thunder, I suppose.

Another reason the team name is growing on me is the manner the name was presented during the press conference: to the tune of the AC/DC song “Thunderstruck.” Perfection. I can just imagine the players’ introductions before the games. I hope they further utilize the song.

Despite my misgivings for the name, I can hardly wait for the first tip-off, and I know that my enthusiasm will continue to grow.

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