Friday, November 21, 2008

Though it may be cliché…

Are you familiar with the name Sarah Josepha Buell Hale? She was an American author, poet and magazine editor who lived from October 24, 1788 until April 30, 1879. She wrote Northwood, the first novel about slavery, and the poem “Mary’s Lamb,” which we know today as “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”

She was also the driving force behind Thanksgiving becoming a national holiday in 1863. Prior to that, a day of thanksgiving was celebrated only in New England, and it took many years for Sarah Hale’s wish for a national holiday to be proclaimed. In fact it took a couple of decades.

Sarah Hale wrote letters to five American presidents in her endeavor. Her letters to Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan were unsuccessful; however, Abraham Lincoln was persuaded and, as a result, supported legislation to establish Thanksgiving Day. Thankfully!


I have a few words of gratitude today. I am thankful to the following for these reasons and so many more…

My boss and co-workers, who could not have been more supportive this year.

Brenda, for her letters and words of encouragement.

Cal, who, pardon the pun, is my rock.

The caregivers for my father, who are angels on Earth.

Chris, for his vision and our (ad)venture.

My sweet Dad, a good man.

Dad’s unawareness of what is happening to him.

Friends who have cried with me.

God, for my many blessings.

Dr. Green and CRMC for providing healthcare to the Blackburns.

My iPhone, with which there is never a dull moment and always an answer to those nagging trivia questions that suddenly arise.

Jackson and Sutton, who, though they aren’t my sons, are my boys.

Kellie, who makes me seem sane in comparison.

The love and tolerance of my family.

The truly inconditional love of my precious Mom, who I miss and need.

Ryan and the rest of the Index staff.

Samantha, my sunshine.

Sharon, to whom I can say anything and never feel stupid.

Tom, godfather extraordinaire, for handling the farm stuff.

And you. Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving to you!

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