Friday, March 13, 2009

A big difference

I'd never thought about it before, the differences between a "layoff" and a "reduction in force" (RIF) but have now been educated. No, I didn't lose my job, but, a couple of weeks ago, many people who work for my employer did. (We were warned; the CEO had used the L word in the last quarterly employee meetings. Directors and managers were given instructions to find ways to cut costs and save money, including determining what services could go. And voila, two weeks later 70 people were RIFd.)

So the differences, at least in Oklahoma, are these... When you're laid off, there may be some expectation that, once things pick up again, you could get your job back, and as a result, you cannot collect unemployment. When you're RIFd, you are fully terminated and can accrue unemployment benefits.

Who knew?


I received an email this week that listed some clever church signs. Who knows if they really are church signs, or just stuff emailers made up, or, most likely, a combination of the two. In any case, here they are:

• Try our Sundays-- they're better than Baskin Robbins'
• Life is hard / Afterlife is harder
• Come in and have your faith lifted
• You are not too bad to come in / You are not too good to stay out
• Aspire to inspire before you expire
• Under the same management for over 2000 years
• Can't sleep? Try counting your blessings


Have you checked out the fancy schmancy new Childress Index website yet?

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