Friday, January 9, 2009


So here I am, almost a year after my mom’s death and even longer since my dad has recognized me, thinking that I should make a commitment to myself. Make resolutions for 2009.

Do you make resolutions? I do not. Not formally. Every New Year’s Eve growing up my mom always wanted each of us to tell the rest of the family what our resolutions were. I always hated that. What if my resolution wasn’t good enough? What if they were dumb? What if I didn’t have any? What if I couldn’t/wouldn’t/didn’t want to keep them?

I still carry that around with me, and that’s a lot of pressure to pile onto someone who already has a lot of pressure. Yeah, self-imposed pressure, but still. I figure I don’t need more pressure, so normally I just think of a few loose guidelines that I’d like to keep in mind as the year progresses. Or until March.

Little ventured, and very little gained. Much to my mother’s dismay.


Those years that I did make resolutions, they were, more often than not, vague and immeasurable. Like, Be a better person. Good at first glance, but… better than… whom? Me now? Me the year before? Someone else? Huh?

Yikes! See what I mean?


But I want to turn over a proverbial new leaf this year. And how better to do so than to make some resolutions! Right?

Obviously, I need specific, attainable, and, yes, measurable, goals for 2009. Goals that are interesting enough to keep me involved and dedicated.

But what to choose? Resolutions, resolutions, I’m thinking resolutions. Nothing.

Hmmm. Ok. First, why am I doing this? To better myself. To better my opinion of myself. And to honor my mom this year.

Good. And what do I want to accomplish? Tons of stuff, too much to name! No, just focus on a few. Remember, specific goals. Attainable goals. Measurable goals. Oh! Got them!

Now, what do I need to do to be successful? I think I will better hold myself accountable if I share my goals with you.


In 2009, I resolve to: 1.) read the Bible (via a read-the-Bible-in-a-year plan); 2.) visit my father more often than last year (though it absolutely kills me to see him when he doesn’t know who I am, he’s always so happy someone visited); 3.) exercise (Wii Fit, here I come!); 4.) get back to blogging (my blog was primarily for Mom and hasn’t been touched since just before she became ill, but there are others who enjoyed it and want to keep up with my family); and 5.) organize all of the closets in my home (this one is all for me; I am an organizational machine when I want to be and the job needs to be done, so it’s win-win!).


I’ll keep you posted on my progress. And I wonder… What are your resolutions? Do you keep track of your progress with them and celebrate your successes? Or do you make them at the first of the year, and then gradually forget about them?

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