Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It’s a Texas thing

One day shortly after we moved to Oklahoma, one of my new co-workers was telling Arkansas jokes, and I asked him, “Is that what Oklahomans do— make fun of Arkansas?”

He told me yes and asked, “Who do Texans make fun of, New Mexico?”

“No,” I answered.

“Louisiana?” he asked.

“No,” I told him, “Oklahoma is the joke in Texas.” He thought I was joking until I shared this little gem with him: Why doesn’t Texas fall into the Gulf of Mexico? Because Oklahoma sucks.

Not the best or most tasteful joke, and in all fairness, it’s the only Oklahoma joke I know that isn’t some recycled Aggie joke. But it’s a goodie.


I live in Moore, OK. Heard of it? You may have. After all, its home of “the world’s largest luxury theater.” It is Toby Keith’s hometown. It was the site of the biggest F5 tornado in history.

Yeah, that’s where I live.

Of course, living in Moore is our choice, and it works well for us: My husband works in Oklahoma City, and my job is in Norman, and Moore is right in the middle. Still, you may be wondering why I live here if I don’t like it.

I do like it, and like I mentioned a few weeks ago, we are thriving here. But I don’t love it. It’s not Texas.

My heart is in Texas.


My husband and I have t-shirts that I ordered off the Internet after seeing a woman wearing one in Home Depot just after we moved here a few years ago.

Each shirt is a plain, pretty much ordinary white t-shirt with a blue oval where a pocket would be if it had one. Inside the oval reads, “Texas” and “The Lone Star State.” The back of the shirt has a red, blue, black and gold-lettered phrase which is punctuated by the Lone Star Flag. The phrase reads, “It’s a Texas Thing – Y’all wouldn’t understand.”

Pretty much says it all, doesn’t it?

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